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National Hauora


National Hauora Coalition is a Māori led, whānau informed and outcomes focused organisation that supports community-connected organisations to deliver hauora services effectively for whānau.

We promote, support and deliver initiatives aimed to improve health and social outcomes for all New Zealanders with a particular focus on whānau Māori, Pacific peoples, new migrant communities, and other populations who experience inequitable health outcomes.

In collaboration with our partners, we deliver a wide range of innovative health and social programmes that improve outcomes for whānau and benefit Aotearoa. Our history covers over two decades, driven by the hopes, dreams and aspirations for whānau Māori to achieve self-determined success.

Tā mātou moemoeā

Our vision

Mana whānau, whānau ora
Prosperous families, living well

Tā mātou kaupapa

Our purpose

Enhancing and enabling the strengths of whānau to achieve rangatiratanga – self-determined success

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PHO’s ambition stretches past horizon of new Hamilton office

PHO’s ambition stretches past horizon of new Hamilton office

Welcoming 17 Waikato practices to their adopted PHO's new central Hamilton offices is not just a celebration but a harbinger of wider plans for the National Hauora Coalition. On Thursday, chief executive Simon Royal and several key PHO leaders invited GPs and practice...

Generation 2040

Generation 2040

The Generation 2040 Project National Hauora Coalition (NHC) is pleased to announce the launch of Generation 2040; a whānau centered strategy that will see improvements across health providers, ensuring tamariki Māori are given the best start in life. Most Māori whānau...

British Medical Journal Open publishes paper about Mana Tū study

British Medical Journal Open publishes paper about Mana Tū study

The British Medical Journal Open recently published a paper describing the study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial of the Mana Tū programme. Mana Tū is a unique Māori-lead programme developed and led by the NHC that supports people with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes to successfully self-manage with their condition.

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