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Services and support available for practices in the National Hauora Coalition network

Please browse the categories below for information on the services and support available for practices in our network.
For more information, please contact a practice support team.

Services and Support for practices in Tāmaki Makaurau


Auckland District Health Board area

The following services and support are available to practices under National Hauora Coalition’s Flexible Funding Pool (FFP) programme.

Alcohol SBI Intervention for Māori

An initiative to develop a community-based response to wellbeing that is specific to improving access to alcohol treatment and support. Eligible patients are Māori males enrolled with a NHC practice over 15 years old.

CVD Dual & Triple Therapy

CVD Risk management as per national best practice guidelines, 60% of patients with CVD Risk score >15% prescribed triple therapy. Eligible patients are Māori, Pacific, living in Q4 or Q5 areas and have an identified CVD risk greater than 15%

CVDRA for Māori

Annual diabetes annual management review for patients living with diabetes, CVD risk assessment for eligible population. Eligible patients are Māori males aged 45-64 years.

Gout Improvement Project

A gout prescribing tool to help primary care clinicians in managing and monitoring the long-term care of gout patients. The tool will assist in initiating and up-titrating allopurinol, selecting anti-inflammatory prophylaxis, monitoring uric acid levels and suggests screening for common comorbidities. Eligible patients are those enrolled with a NHC practice.

GP or Nurse In-Home Palliative Care/End of Life Care

Support for a GP or nurse to provide in-home service, health education, nursing tasks, or an assessment in the home for palliative patients at the end-of-life stage. This service is specifically for palliative care patients at the end-of-life stage, not for general palliative care. Eligible patients are palliative patients at the end-of-life stage within 6 months, enrolled with a NHC practice, Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas.

Integrated Support for Long Term Conditions

Comprehensive assessment, care plan, up to four visits offered (extended 1st consult) per specified diagnosis. May be offered nurse-led services and included in MDT services. Eligible patients are Māori, Pacific and living in Q4 or Q5 areas.

Required criteria with specified long-term conditions with social and medical complexity:

  • Neurological conditions
  • Cardiovascular conditions
  • Respiratory conditions
  • Gastrointestinal conditions
  • Rheumatological conditions
  • Musculoskeletal conditions
  • Dermatological Conditions
  • Moderate – severe mental health conditions
  • Endocrinological conditions, including diabetes
  • Other rheumatological
  • Moderate – severe chronic mental health conditions
  • Genitourinary conditions
  • Renal conditions
  • Gynaecological conditions
  • Non end stage malignancy
    Multidisciplinary Intervention

    A short term service provided by a multidisciplinary team (which includes GP, nurse, community, social or whānau worker) to ensure continuity of care to provider clinics or other services. Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice and are Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas that have a long-term condition or mobility issue. Elderly and youth are also eligible.

    Reduced Cost Access to Podiatry

    Reduced cost of access to podiatry for patients with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, who meet the foot referral criteria for the at-risk and high-risk foot. Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice and are Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas; diagnosed with Type I or II diabetes and; identified as having an at-risk or high-risk foot

    Sexual Health – Cervical Smear

    National Hauora Coalition covers the cost of providing a cervical smear for eligible patients.
    Eligible patients are Māori, Pacific or those living in Q4 or Q5 areas. Clinically appropriate patients aged between 25-69 years old are also eligible.

    Sexual Health – Long Term Contraception

    Long term contraception for high priority population, including:

    • Intrauterine devices including Mirena
    • Progesterone Implants e.g. Jadelle
    • Depo Provera
    • Oral contraceptives
    • Vasectomy

    Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice, are Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas and are 16 years old and over. There is special criteria for eligible patients aged 12-16 years old.

    Smoking Brief Advice and Cessation Support

    Smoking Brief Advice and Cessation Support referral to free quit smoking support services.
    Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice, Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas and aged 15 to 74 years who are current smokers.

    Urgent Support Funds

    A flexible urgent support fund managed by clinics to fill a gap in funding with the aim of improving access to primary health care services and reducing barriers due to enrolled service user financial difficulties. Eligible patients are those who need access to health services deemed urgent and are enrolled with a NHC practice and Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas.

    Youth Sexual Health and Contraception

    Free treatment and advice on sexual and reproductive health may include education and advice, provision of contraceptives, screening for and assessment, diagnosis and treatment of STIs. Based on best practice guidelines, limit of one annual screen per year with a follow up consultation if required. Further STI consults available if patient is symptomatic or there is a change in circumstances. Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice, Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 and aged 12-25 years identified as sexually active. There is special criteria for eligible patients aged 12-16 years old.

    The following list details ADHB funded services

    Access to Diagnostics

    The Access to Diagnostics programme aims to improve general practice access to a range of radiology investigations for ADHB patients. Clinical triage criteria, accessible within the ProExtra tool, assists practices with assessing patient eligibility for particular tests or investigations and helps prevent inappropriate referrals. Private radiology providers have been contracted to provide x-ray and ultrasound investigations, enabling patients to access their requested investigations sooner. Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice, living in the ADHB area, meet triage criteria for the particular test/investigation that is being requested and are over 16 years of age (excludes ACC, maternity and acute requests).

    After Hours Regional Service (AHRS)

    The After Hours Regional Service provides access to after-hours primary health care for patients. AHRS provides access for some “high needs” patients to reduced co-payments at a network of 11 Accident and Medical clinics throughout Auckland that are open in evenings, weekends and public holidays until at least 10pm. Eligible patients are:

    • Those 65 and over
    • Community Service Card holders
    • High User Health Card holders
    • Those who live in low income areas (Quintile 5)
    Bowel Screening

    The Bowel Screening Programme is a population-based screening programme which offers free screening to the eligible population every two years to check for early signs of bowel cancer. GPs do not need to invite their patients to participate in the Bowel Screening Programme. Eligible participants are 60-74 years old, eligible for public funding and must reside in the ADHB area.

    Cervical Smear – High Priority Women

    This service provides a smear taking service for priority group women at no charge. This is based on the women having a conventional smear (PAP test) and includes all material, equipment and sampling costs. Eligible patients are NHC enrolled priority group women, aged 25-69 years old who are domiciled in the Auckland District. Priority group women are:

    Aged 25 -69 years old and are due for their cervical smear, are under-screened or unscreened and are:

    • Māori
    • Pacific
    • Asian or;

    Any other women aged between the age of 30-69 years who:

    • Have never had a cervical smear; or
    • Are more than 5 years overdue for a cervical smear
    Community Podiatry

    Reduced cost of access to podiatry, for patients with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes; who meet the foot referral criteria for the at-risk and high-risk foot.

    Palliative Care

    To provide practice, after hours, home visiting and end of life care planning support to patients with a terminal illness. Eligible patients are those with a terminal illness, with life expectancy of less than 12 months.

    Primary Mental Health Services

    This service is intended to support people experiencing mild to moderate mental illness or distress in primary health care settings with a focus on delivering to high health needs populations. This includes access to extended GP consults, and referrals to psychologists. The service is available to the NHC enrolled population, targeting high health need populations such as Māori, Pacific and Quintile 5, who are identified as experiencing mild to moderate mental illness or distress and who are not accessing other services through any other government or NGO agencies.

    Refugee Health Service

    This service provides funding for general practices to provide primary health care services to their enrolled refugee population. For patients who require extended consultations (e.g. complex health issues and use of interpreters during consultation) funding is provided for a 30 minute consultation, on top of the 15 minute co-payment (total 45 minute session). Limited to four times per year; per patient.

    Other NHC services available in the Auckland region

    E-Ako Kete

    The E-Ako Kete platform delivers useful resources to practice managers, receptionists, administration, nurses and GPs, helping users expand their knowledge. The platform aims to improve overall satisfaction among practices, providing an easily accessible online portal that can be accessed at any time. Content available via E-Ako Kete includes orientation resources, quality programmes, educational webinars, quizzes and assignments. Featured example include content on Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Code of Rights and Privacy Code.

    Mōhio Information Platform

    Mōhio is NHC’s innovative technology for general practices and PHOs. Developed in-house, Mōhio’s suite of tools prove real time feedback on performance against National Health Targets.

    Read more about Mōhio.

    RNZCGP Quality Standards programme (Foundation and Cornerstone)

    Minimum mandatory requirements for operation of a general practice within New Zealand were set for implementation from 30th June 2018. This requires practices to meet the quality standards defined in the RNZCGP Foundation Standards Programme. The Foundation Programme is a standalone programme that meets the requirements under PSAAP and is required to complete the Cornerstone Bronze, Silver and Gold tiers. Cornerstone is fully flexible, allowing practices freedom to design their own accreditation.

    Safety in Practice

    This quality improvement programme supports practices to make changes in areas within their practice where they feel the quality of patient care could be improved or made safer. Practices are provided with a variety of effective, simple to use tools to review current processes, identify areas of risk, implement new strategies and measure change.

    Counties Manukau District Health Board area

    The following services and support are available to practices under National Hauora Coalition’s Flexible Funding Pool (FFP) programme.

    Alcohol SBI Intervention for Māori

    An initiative to develop a community-based response to wellbeing that is specific to improving access to alcohol treatment and support. Eligible patients are Māori males enrolled with a NHC practice over 15 years old.

    CVD Dual & Triple Therapy

    CVD Risk management as per national best practice guidelines, 60% of patients with CVD Risk score >15% prescribed triple therapy. Eligible patients are Māori, Pacific, living in Q4 or Q5 areas and have an identified CVD risk greater than 15%.

    CVDRA for Māori

    Annual diabetes annual management review for patients living with diabetes, CVD risk assessment for eligible population. Eligible patients are Māori males aged 45-64 years.

    Gout Improvement Project

    A gout prescribing tool to help primary care clinicians in managing and monitoring the long-term care of gout patients. The tool will assist in initiating and up-titrating allopurinol, selecting anti-inflammatory prophylaxis, monitoring uric acid levels and suggests screening for common comorbidities. Eligible patients are those enrolled with a NHC practice.

    GP or Nurse In-Home Palliative Care/End of Life Care

    Support for a GP or nurse to provide in-home service, health education, nursing tasks, or an assessment in the home for palliative patients at the end-of-life stage. This service is specifically for palliative care patients at the end-of-life stage, not for general palliative care. Eligible patients are palliative patients at the end-of-life stage within 6 months, enrolled with a NHC practice, Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas.

    Integrated Support for Long Term Conditions

    Comprehensive assessment, care plan, up to four visits offered (extended 1st consult) per specified diagnosis. May be offered nurse-led services and included in MDT services. Eligible patients are Māori, Pacific and living in Q4 or Q5 areas.

    Required criteria with specified long-term conditions with social and medical complexity:

    • Neurological conditions
    • Cardiovascular conditions
    • Respiratory conditions
    • Gastrointestinal conditions
    • Rheumatological conditions
    • Musculoskeletal conditions
    • Dermatological Conditions
    • Moderate – severe mental health conditions
    • Endocrinological conditions, including diabetes
    • Other rheumatological
    • Moderate – severe chronic mental health conditions
    • Genitourinary conditions
    • Renal conditions
    • Gynaecological conditions
    • Non end stage malignancy
      Multidisciplinary Intervention

      A short term service provided by a multidisciplinary team (which includes GP, nurse, community, social or whānau worker) to ensure continuity of care to provider clinics or other services. Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice and are Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas that have a long-term condition or mobility issue. Elderly and youth are also eligible.

      Reduced Cost Access to Podiatry

      Reduced cost of access to podiatry for patients with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, who meet the foot referral criteria for the at-risk and high-risk foot. Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice and are Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas; diagnosed with Type I or II diabetes and; identified as having an at-risk or high-risk foot

      Sexual Health – Cervical Smear

      National Hauora Coalition covers the cost of providing a cervical smear for eligible patients.
      Eligible patients are Māori, Pacific or those living in Q4 or Q5 areas. Clinically appropriate patients aged between 25-69 years old are also eligible.

      Sexual Health – Long Term Contraception

      Long term contraception for high priority population, including:

      • Intrauterine devices including Mirena
      • Progesterone Implants e.g. Jadelle
      • Depo Provera
      • Oral contraceptives
      • Vasectomy

      Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice, are Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas and are 16 years old and over. There is special criteria for eligible patients aged 12-16 years old.

      Smoking Brief Advice and Cessation Support

      Smoking Brief Advice and Cessation Support referral to free quit smoking support services.
      Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice, Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas and aged 15 to 74 years who are current smokers.

      Urgent Support Funds

      A flexible urgent support fund managed by clinics to fill a gap in funding with the aim of improving access to primary health care services and reducing barriers due to enrolled service user financial difficulties. Eligible patients are those who need access to health services deemed urgent and are enrolled with a NHC practice and Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas.

      Youth Sexual Health and Contraception

      Free treatment and advice on sexual and reproductive health may include education and advice, provision of contraceptives, screening for and assessment, diagnosis and treatment of STIs. Based on best practice guidelines, limit of one annual screen per year with a follow up consultation if required. Further STI consults available if patient is symptomatic or there is a change in circumstances. Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice, Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 and aged 12-25 years identified as sexually active. There is special criteria for eligible patients aged 12-16 years old

      The following list details CMDHB funded services

      Access to Diagnostics

      The Access to Diagnostics programme aims to improve general practice access to a range of radiology investigations for CMDHB patients. Clinical triage criteria, accessible within the ProExtra tool, assists practices with assessing patient eligibility for particular tests or investigations and helps prevent inappropriate referrals. Private radiology providers have been contracted to provide x-ray and ultrasound investigations, enabling patients to access their requested investigations sooner. Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice, living in the CMDHB area, meet triage criteria for the particular test/investigation that is being requested and are over 16 years of age (excludes ACC, maternity and acute requests.

      After Hours Regional Service (AHRS)

      The After Hours Regional Service provides access to after-hours primary health care for patients. AHRS provides access for some “high needs” patients to reduced co-payments at a network of 11 Accident and Medical clinics throughout Auckland that are open in evenings, weekends and public holidays until at least 10pm. Eligible patients are:

      • Those 65 and over
      • Community Service Card holders
      • High User Health Card holders
      • Those who live in low income areas (Quintile 5)
      Alcohol SBI (Screening & Brief Intervention)

      The Alcohol ABC or Alcohol SBI (Screening and Brief Intervention) approach has been adopted to screen for, identify and provide evidence based brief advice to patients who engage in harmful drinking. The ABC approach provides a systematic approach to recording alcohol status and brief advice by integrating the ABC approach into the everyday practice of all primary health care workers. Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice and aged 15 years and older.

      Identified collaborating CMDHB practices are:

      • Papakura Marae Health Centre
      • Te Manu Aute Whare Oranga
      Bowel Screening

      The Bowel Screening Programme is a population-based screening programme which offers free screening to the eligible population every two years to check for early signs of bowel cancer. GPs do not need to invite their patients to participate in the Bowel Screening Programme. Eligible participants are 60-74 years old, eligible for public funding and must reside in the CMDHB area.

      Cervical Smear – High Priority Women

      This service provides a smear taking service for priority group women at no charge. This is based on the women having a conventional smear (PAP test) and includes all material, equipment and sampling costs. Eligible patients are NHC enrolled priority group women, aged 25-69 years old who are domiciled in the Auckland District. Priority group women are:

      Aged 25 -69 years old and are due for their cervical smear, are under-screened or unscreened and are:

      • Māori
      • Pacific
      • Asian or;

      Any other women aged between the age of 30-69 years who:

      • Have never had a cervical smear; or
      • Are more than 5 years overdue for a cervical smear
      Enhanced Pathway Care in Long Term Conditions (LTC) Management with Equity Targeting

      These services support enhanced pathways of care for long term conditions with equity targeting to fund interventions specific to:

      • Podiatry
      • Dietetics
      • Insulin initiation
      • Phlebotomy
      • Primary Palliative Care Service Components for those who are living with diabetes on a 12month palliative pathway. Funds a range of interventions.
      • Group Self-Management education (SME)

      Eligible patients are people living with diabetes who are:

      • Māori
      • Pacific
      • Living in a quintile 5 area
      • CSC Card Holders
      Falls Prevention

      This service aims to improve identification of older people at risk of falls and fall related injuries in relation to muscle weakness and poor balance by systematically screening older people; improve the quality of care for people at high risk of falls and fall related injuries by offering referral to an in-home evidence based strength and balance programme delivered by a community health professional; improve the quality of care for older people at risk of falls and fall related injuries by offering referral to an ACC-credentialed evidence based strength and balance programme in the community and to provide seamless, consistent processes and information for patients through integrated primary, community and secondary systems. Eligible patients:

      • Enrolled with a NHC practice and aged 75 years and older.
      • Must be community dwelling, not in aged care
      • Must not have moderate-severe dementia
      • Māori and Pacific aged 65-74 years old with an ACC approved fall related claim in previous 12 months
      Refugee Health Service

      This service provides funding for general practices to provide primary health care services to their enrolled refugee population. For patients who require extended consultations (e.g. complex health issues and use of interpreters during consultation) funding is provided for a 30 minute consultation, on top of the 15 minute co-payment (total 45 minute session). Limited to four times per year; per patient.

      Other NHC services available in the Counties Manukau region

      E-Ako Kete

      The E-Ako Kete platform delivers useful resources to practice managers, receptionists, administration, nurses and GPs, helping users expand their knowledge. The platform aims to improve overall satisfaction among practices, providing an easily accessible online portal that can be accessed at any time. Content available via E-Ako Kete includes orientation resources, quality programmes, educational webinars, quizzes and assignments. Featured example include content on Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Code of Rights and Privacy Code.

      Mōhio Information Platform

      Mōhio is NHC’s innovative technology for general practices and PHOs. Developed in-house, Mōhio’s suite of tools prove real time feedback on performance against National Health Targets.

      Read more about Mōhio.

      RNZCGP Quality Standards programme (Foundation and Cornerstone)

      Minimum mandatory requirements for operation of a general practice within New Zealand were set for implementation from 30th June 2018. This requires practices to meet the quality standards defined in the RNZCGP Foundation Standards Programme. The Foundation Programme is a standalone programme that meets the requirements under PSAAP and is required to complete the Cornerstone Bronze, Silver and Gold tiers. Cornerstone is fully flexible, allowing practices freedom to design their own accreditation.

      Waitematā District Health Board area

      The following services and support are available to practices under National Hauora Coalition’s Flexible Funding Pool (FFP) programme

      Alcohol SBI Intervention for Māori

      An initiative to develop a community-based response to wellbeing that is specific to improving access to alcohol treatment and support. Eligible patients are Māori males enrolled with a NHC practice over 15 years old.

      CVD Dual & Triple Therapy

      CVD Risk management as per national best practice guidelines, 60% of patients with CVD Risk score >15% prescribed triple therapy. Eligible patients are Māori, Pacific, living in Q4 or Q5 areas and have an identified CVD risk greater than 15%.

      CVDRA for Māori

      Annual diabetes annual management review for patients living with diabetes, CVD risk assessment for eligible population. Eligible patients are Māori males aged 45-64 years.

      Gout Improvement Project

      A gout prescribing tool to help primary care clinicians in managing and monitoring the long-term care of gout patients. The tool will assist in initiating and up-titrating allopurinol, selecting anti-inflammatory prophylaxis, monitoring uric acid levels and suggests screening for common comorbidities. Eligible patients are those enrolled with a NHC practice.

      GP or Nurse In-Home Palliative Care/End of Life Care

      Support for a GP or nurse to provide in-home service, health education, nursing tasks, or an assessment in the home for palliative patients at the end-of-life stage. This service is specifically for palliative care patients at the end-of-life stage, not for general palliative care. Eligible patients are palliative patients at the end-of-life stage within 6 months, enrolled with a NHC practice, Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas.

      Integrated Support for Long Term Conditions

      Comprehensive assessment, care plan, up to four visits offered (extended 1st consult) per specified diagnosis. May be offered nurse-led services and included in MDT services. Eligible patients are Māori, Pacific and living in Q4 or Q5 areas.

      Required criteria with specified long-term conditions with social and medical complexity:

      • Neurological conditions
      • Cardiovascular conditions
      • Respiratory conditions
      • Gastrointestinal conditions
      • Rheumatological conditions
      • Musculoskeletal conditions
      • Dermatological Conditions
      • Moderate – severe mental health conditions
      • Endocrinological conditions, including diabetes
      • Other rheumatological
      • Moderate – severe chronic mental health conditions
      • Genitourinary conditions
      • Renal conditions
      • Gynaecological conditions
      • Non end stage malignancy
        Multidisciplinary Intervention

        A short term service provided by a multidisciplinary team (which includes GP, nurse, community, social or whānau worker) to ensure continuity of care to provider clinics or other services. Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice and are Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas that have a long-term condition or mobility issue. Elderly and youth are also eligible.

        Reduced Cost Access to Podiatry

        Reduced cost of access to podiatry for patients with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, who meet the foot referral criteria for the at-risk and high-risk foot. Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice and are Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas; diagnosed with Type I or II diabetes and; identified as having an at-risk or high-risk foot

        Sexual Health – Cervical Smear

        National Hauora Coalition covers the cost of providing a cervical smear for eligible patients.
        Eligible patients are Māori, Pacific or those living in Q4 or Q5 areas. Clinically appropriate patients aged between 25-69 years old are also eligible.

        Sexual Health – Long Term Contraception

        Long term contraception for high priority population, including:

        • Intrauterine devices including Mirena
        • Progesterone Implants e.g. Jadelle
        • Depo Provera
        • Oral contraceptives
        • Vasectomy

        Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice, are Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas and are 16 years old and over. There is special criteria for eligible patients aged 12-16 years old.

        Smoking Brief Advice and Cessation Support

        Smoking Brief Advice and Cessation Support referral to free quit smoking support services.
        Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice, Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas and aged 15 to 74 years who are current smokers.

        Urgent Support Funds

        A flexible urgent support fund managed by clinics to fill a gap in funding with the aim of improving access to primary health care services and reducing barriers due to enrolled service user financial difficulties. Eligible patients are those who need access to health services deemed urgent and are enrolled with a NHC practice and Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas.

        Youth Sexual Health and Contraception

        Free treatment and advice on sexual and reproductive health may include education and advice, provision of contraceptives, screening for and assessment, diagnosis and treatment of STIs. Based on best practice guidelines, limit of one annual screen per year with a follow up consultation if required. Further STI consults available if patient is symptomatic or there is a change in circumstances. Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice, Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 and aged 12-25 years identified as sexually active. There is special criteria for eligible patients aged 12-16 years old

        The following list details WDHB funded services

        After Hours Regional Service (AHRS)

        The After Hours Regional Service provides access to after-hours primary health care for patients. AHRS provides access for some “high needs” patients to reduced co-payments at a network of 11 Accident and Medical clinics throughout Auckland that are open in evenings, weekends and public holidays until at least 10pm. Eligible patients are:

        • Those 65 and over
        • Community Service Card holders
        • High User Health Card holders
        • Those who live in low income areas (Quintile 5)
          Bowel Screening

          The Bowel Screening Programme is a population-based screening programme which offers free screening to the eligible population every two years to check for early signs of bowel cancer. GPs do not need to invite their patients to participate in the Bowel Screening Programme. Eligible participants are 60-74 years old, eligible for public funding and must reside in the WDHB area.

          Cervical Smear – High Priority Women

          This service provides a smear taking service for priority group women at no charge. This is based on the women having a conventional smear (PAP test) and includes all material, equipment and sampling costs. Eligible patients are NHC enrolled priority group women, aged 25-69 years old who are domiciled in the Auckland District. Priority group women are:

          Aged 25 -69 years old and are due for their cervical smear, are under-screened or unscreened and are:

          • Māori
          • Pacific
          • Asian or;

          Any other women aged between the age of 30-69 years who:

          • Have never had a cervical smear; or
          • Are more than 5 years overdue for a cervical smear
          Community Podiatry

          Reduced cost of access to podiatry for patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes; who meet the foot referral criteria for the at-risk and high-risk foot. Eligible patients are those with type 1 or 2 diabetes who have their feet at risk of complications.

            Palliative Care

            To provide practice, after hours, home visiting and end of life care planning support to patients with a terminal illness. Eligible patients are those with a terminal illness, with life expectancy of less than 12 months.

            Primary Mental Health Services

            This service is intended to support people experiencing mild to moderate mental illness or distress in primary health care settings with a focus on delivering to high health needs populations. This includes access to extended GP consults, and referrals to psychologists. The service is available to the NHC enrolled population, targeting high health need populations such as Māori, Pacific and Quintile 5, who are identified as experiencing mild to moderate mental illness or distress and who are not accessing other services through any other government or NGO agencies.

            Refugee Health Service

            This service provides funding for general practices to provide primary health care services to their enrolled refugee population. For patients who require extended consultations (e.g. complex health issues and use of interpreters during consultation) funding is provided for a 30 minute consultation, on top of the 15 minute co-payment (total 45 minute session). Limited to four times per year; per patient.

            Other NHC services available in the Waitematā region

            E-Ako Kete

            The E-Ako Kete platform delivers useful resources to practice managers, receptionists, administration, nurses and GPs, helping users expand their knowledge. The platform aims to improve overall satisfaction among practices, providing an easily accessible online portal that can be accessed at any time. Content available via E-Ako Kete includes orientation resources, quality programmes, educational webinars, quizzes and assignments. Featured example include content on Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Code of Rights and Privacy Code.

            Mōhio Information Platform

            Mōhio is NHC’s innovative technology for general practices and PHOs. Developed in-house, Mōhio’s suite of tools prove real time feedback on performance against National Health Targets.

            Read more about Mōhio.

            RNZCGP Quality Standards programme (Foundation and Cornerstone)

            Minimum mandatory requirements for operation of a general practice within New Zealand were set for implementation from 30th June 2018. This requires practices to meet the quality standards defined in the RNZCGP Foundation Standards Programme. The Foundation Programme is a standalone programme that meets the requirements under PSAAP and is required to complete the Cornerstone Bronze, Silver and Gold tiers. Cornerstone is fully flexible, allowing practices freedom to design their own accreditation.

            Safety in Practice

            This quality improvement programme supports practices to make changes in areas within their practice where they feel the quality of patient care could be improved or made safer. Practices are provided with a variety of effective, simple to use tools to review current processes, identify areas of risk, implement new strategies and measure change.

            Services and Support for practices in Whanganui


            Whanganui District Health Board area

            The following services and support are available to practices under National Hauora Coalition’s Flexible Funding Pool (FFP) programme.

            Alcohol SBI Intervention for Māori

            An initiative to develop a community-based response to wellbeing that is specific to improving access to alcohol treatment and support. Eligible patients are Māori males enrolled with a NHC practice over 15 years old.

            CVD Triple Therapy

            CVD risk management as per national best practice guidelines, 60% of patients with CVD risk score >15% prescribed triple therapy. Smoking cessation should be strongly and repeatedly recommended at any level of CVD risk. Eligible patients are Māori, Pacific, living in Q4 or Q5 areas and have an identified CVD risk greater than 15%

            CVDRA for Māori

            Annual diabetes annual management review for patients living with diabetes, CVD risk assessment for eligible population. Eligible patients are Māori males aged 45-64 years.

            Gout Improvement Project

            A gout prescribing tool to help primary care clinicians in managing and monitoring the long-term care of gout patients. The tool will assist in initiating and up-titrating allopurinol, selecting anti-inflammatory prophylaxis, monitoring uric acid levels and suggests screening for common comorbidities. Eligible patients are those enrolled with a NHC practice.

            GP or Nurse In-Home Palliative Care/End of Life Care

            Support for a GP or nurse to provide in-home service, health education, nursing tasks, or an assessment in the home for palliative patients at the end-of-life stage. This service is specifically for palliative care patients at the end-of-life stage, not for general palliative care. Eligible patients are palliative patients at the end-of-life stage within 6 months, enrolled with a NHC practice, Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas.

            Integrated Support for Long Term Conditions

            Comprehensive assessment, care plan, up to four visits offered (extended 1st consult) per specified diagnosis. May be offered nurse-led services and included in MDT services. Eligible patients are Māori, Pacific and living in Q4 or Q5 areas.

            Required criteria with specified long-term conditions with social and medical complexity:

            • Neurological conditions
            • Cardiovascular conditions
            • Respiratory conditions
            • Gastrointestinal conditions
            • Rheumatological conditions
            • Musculoskeletal conditions
            • Dermatological Conditions
            • Moderate – severe mental health conditions
            • Endocrinological conditions, including diabetes
            • Other rheumatological
            • Moderate – severe chronic mental health conditions
            • Genitourinary conditions
            • Renal conditions
            • Gynaecological conditions
            • Non end stage malignancy
              Multidisciplinary Intervention

              A short term service provided by a multidisciplinary team (which includes GP, nurse, community, social or whānau worker) to ensure continuity of care to provider clinics or other services. Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC clinic and are Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas that have a long-term condition or mobility issue. Elderly and youth are also eligible.

              Reduced Cost Access to Podiatry

              Reduced cost of access to podiatry for patients with Type 1 or type 2 diabetes, who meet the foot referral criteria for the at-risk and high-risk foot. Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice and are Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas; diagnosed with type 1 or 2 diabetes and; identified as having an at-risk or high-risk foot

              Sexual Health – Cervical Smear

              National Hauora Coalition covers the cost of providing a cervical smear for eligible patients.
              Eligible patients are Māori, Pacific or those living in Q4 or Q5 areas. Clinically appropriate patients aged between 25-69 years old are also eligible.

              Sexual Health – Long Term Contraception

              Long term contraception for high priority population, including:

              • Intrauterine devices including Mirena
              • Progesterone Implants e.g. Jadelle
              • Depo Provera
              • Oral contraceptives
              • Vasectomy

              Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice, are Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas and are 16 years old and over. There is special criteria for eligible patients aged 12-16 years old.

              Smoking Brief Advice and Cessation Support

              Smoking Brief Advice and Cessation Support referral to free quit smoking support services.
              Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice, Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas and aged 15 to 74 years who are current smokers.

              Urgent Support Funds

              A flexible urgent support fund managed by clinics to fill a gap in funding with the aim of improving access to primary health care services and reducing barriers due to enrolled service user financial difficulties. Eligible patients are those who need access to health services deemed urgent and are enrolled with a NHC practice and Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas.

              Youth Sexual Health and Contraception

              Free treatment and advice on sexual and reproductive health may include education and advice, provision of contraceptives, screening for and assessment, diagnosis and treatment of STIs. Based on best practice guidelines, limit of one annual screen per year with a follow up consultation if required. Further STI consults available if patient is symptomatic or there is a change in circumstances. Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC clinic, Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 and aged 12-25 years identified as sexually active. There is special criteria for eligible patients aged 12-16 years old.

              The following list details WDHB funded services

              B4 School Check

              The B4 School Check (B4SC) aims to identify and address any health, behavioural, social, or developmental concerns which could affect a child’s ability to get the most benefit from school, such as a hearing impairment or communication difficulty. Eligible children are enrolled with a NHC practice, living in Q4 or Q5 areas and turning five years of age during the financial year.

              Bowel Screening

              The Bowel Screening Programme is a population-based screening programme which offers free screening to the eligible population every two years to check for early signs of bowel cancer. GPs do not need to invite their patients to participate in the Bowel Screening Programme. Eligible participants are 60-74 years old, eligible for public funding and must reside in the WDHB area.

              Cervical Smear – High Priority Women

              The specific objective of this service is to provide a smear taking service for priority group women at no charge. This is based on the women having a conventional smear (PAP test) and includes all material, equipment and sampling costs. Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice, aged 25-69 years old and domiciled in the Whanganui District.

              Aged 25 -69 years old and are due for their cervical smear, are under-screened or unscreened and are:

              • Māori
              • Pacific
              • Asian or;

              Any other women aged between the age of 30-69 years who:

              • Have never had a cervical smear; or
              • Are more than 5 years overdue for a cervical smear
              Contraception Access

              The purpose of this service is to decrease the rate of unplanned pregnancy and provides funding for the following services for the target population outlined below:

              1. Free long acting reversible contraception (MARCs) – Free insertion and removal of funded LARCs for eligible women.
              2. Free contraceptive consultations

              Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice aged 15-44 years years who: 

              • Live in quintile 5 areas; or
              • Hold a Community Services Card; or
              • Are at high risk of unplanned pregnancy and poor health and social outcomes
              • Are eligible for public funded healthcare in New Zealand
              CVD Risk Assessment

              This programme offers systematic and opportunistic risk assessment for CVD using the Mōhio CVDRA/DAR tool. NHC provides the electronic tools to perform electronic risk assessment on certain at risk population groups and following up with appropriate guidelines based care. Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice who are;

              • Male, Māori/Pacific/Indian sub-continent aged over 35
              • Female, Māori/Pacific/Indian sub-continent aged over 45
              • Male, quintile 5 aged over 45
              • Female, quintile 5 aged over 55
              • Female with known risk factors aged over 45
              • Male with known risk factors aged over 35
              Diabetes Care Improvement

              The Diabetes Care Improvement Package (DCIP) enables providers to focus on the total practice population of patients living with diabetes or those at risk of diabetes to improve health outcomes. Eligible patients are those enrolled with a NHC practice with a diagnosis of diabetes.

              Primary Mental Health & Alcohol & Drug (AOD) Services

              This service is intended to support people with mild to moderate mental illness or distress in primary health care settings with a focus on delivering to high health needs populations. This includes access to extended GP consults, and referrals to psychologists and AOD providers.
              This service is available to the NHC enrolled population targeting high health need populations such as Māori, Pacific and those living in quintile 5 areas, the exception being the youth service which is for all youth regardless of PHO enrolment.

              Skin Lesions

              The skin lesion service is for the removal of suspicious skin lesions by general practitioners at no cost to the patient. The service reduces the number of people referred to secondary services for skin lesion removal. Eligible patients are enrolled with a NHC practice with an eligible skin lesion.

              Zero Fees for Under 14s

              The free after hours care for children under 14 years old scheme aims to improve child health outcomes by removing financial barriers to access a standard visit to a participating after-hours service. All children enrolled and non-enrolled under 14 years old that present to a participating after-hours service are eligible.

              Other NHC services available in the Whanganui region

              Mōhio Information Platform

              Mōhio is NHC’s innovative technology for general practices and PHOs. Developed in-house, Mōhio’s suite of tools prove real time feedback on performance against National Health Targets.

              Read more about Mōhio.

              RNZCGP Quality Standards programme (Foundation and Cornerstone)

              Minimum mandatory requirements for operation of a general practice within New Zealand were set for implementation from 30th June 2018. This requires practices to meet the quality standards defined in the RNZCGP Foundation Standards Programme. The Foundation Programme is a standalone programme that meets the requirements under PSAAP and is required to complete the Cornerstone Bronze, Silver and Gold tiers. Cornerstone is fully flexible, allowing practices freedom to design their own accreditation.

              E-Ako Kete

              The E-Ako Kete platform delivers useful resources to practice managers, receptionists, administration, nurses and GPs, helping users expand their knowledge. The platform aims to improve overall satisfaction among practices, providing an easily accessible online portal that can be accessed at any time. Content available via E-Ako Kete includes orientation resources, quality programmes, educational webinars, quizzes and assignments. Featured example include content on Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Code of Rights and Privacy Code.

              Services and Support for practices in Waikato


              Waikato District Health Board area

              The following services and support are available to practices under National Hauora Coalition’s Flexible Funding Pool (FFP) programme.

              Cervical Smear (free)

              For NHC enrolled patients, focusing on Māori or Pacific patients and/or those with a community services card (CSC) or high use health card (HUHC) and cannot afford to pay for this service in primary care.


              For NHC enrolled patients, focusing on Māori or Pacific patients and/or those with a community services card (CSC) or high use health card (HUHC) and cannot afford to pay for this service in primary care. 

              Dental Treatment

              For NHC enrolled patients, focusing on Māori or Pacific patients and/or those with a community services card (CSC) or high use health card (HUHC) and cannot afford to pay for this service in primary care. 

              Extended Consultation

              For NHC enrolled patients, focusing on Māori or Pacific patients and/or those with a community services card (CSC) or high use health card (HUHC) for:

              • Complex medical conditions
              • Multiple chronic conditions
              • Sexual health
              • Mental health conditions
              • Mutliple undiagnosed co-morbidities
              • Patients aged 6-17 years (non-sexual health)
              Heart Disease Monitoring

              For NHC enrolled patients, focusing on Māori or Pacific patients and/or those with a community services card (CSC) or high use health card (HUHC) and cannot afford to pay for this service in primary care with CVD risk > 20 .

              IV Procedures

              For NHC enrolled patients, focusing on Māori or Pacific patients and/or those with a community services card (CSC) or high use health card (HUHC) and cannot afford to pay for this service in primary care. 

              Life Limiting Illness

              For NHC enrolled patients, focusing on Māori or Pacific patients and/or those with a community services card (CSC) or high use health card (HUHC) and cannot afford to pay for this service in primary care. 

              Long Term Contraception

                       NHC enrolled patients, focusing on Māori or Pacific patients and/or those with a community services card (CSC) or high use health                 card (HUHC) and cannot afford to pay for this srvice in primary care

              Minor Surgery

              For NHC enrolled patients, focusing on Māori or Pacific patients and/or those with a community services card (CSC) or high use health card (HUHC) and cannot afford to pay for this service in primary care. 

              Urgent Support Funds

              A flexible urgent support fund managed by clinics to fill a gap in funding with the aim of improving access to primary health care services and reducing barriers due to enrolled service user financial difficulties. Eligible patients are those who need access to health services deemed urgent and are enrolled with a NHC practice and Māori, Pacific or living in Q4 or Q5 areas.

              The following list details WDHB funded services

              Alcohol Brief Interventions in Primary Care

              This service supports screening and brief interventions in primary care settings that are effective in reducing total alcohol consumption and excessive drinking among hazardous drinkers. This service is intended for any enrolled patient over the age of 12.

              B4 School Check

              B4 School Check (B4SC) is provided by trained and accredited registered nurses, either in practice by a public health nurse or by an outreach nurse. The purpose of the check is to:

              • Assess the child to check they are meeting developmental, psychological and behavioural milestones.
              • Identify any issues that might stop a child learning when they get to school.
              • Identify and refer children with obesity for dietitian assessment.
              • Refer the child and/or family onto the appropriate secondary service for support.
              Cervical Screening High Priority & Significantly Overdue

              This programme aims to increase cervical screening access by addressing cost barriers. The service provides practice subsidies to ensure smears are provided at no cost. Priority populations are women who are Māori, Pacific or Asian. Women of all ethnicities who are identified as being significantly overdue for a smear are also funded under this programme.

              Community Based Podiatry

              This service aims to achieve a reduction in the incidence of unplanned hospital admissions and/or amputations for diabetes related foot complications. Community Based Podiatry also aims to improve the lower limb status of people living with diabetes, with particular emphasis on those with high-risk feet.


                       For NHC enrolled Māori males aged between 35-44 years old who have not had CVRA in the last five years.

              Insulin Initiation

              This service is for NHC enrolled patients who have been classified with Type 2 Diabetes and aims to provide practices with adequate funding to enable insulin initiation and follow-up to support improved outcomes for people living with diabetes.

              Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)

              For NHC enrolled patients aged between 15-44 years who live in Q5 areas, hold a community services card (CSC) or are at high risk of poor health and social outcomes.

              Mōhio Diabetes 2019 (Diabetic Annual Review/CVRA)

              For NHC enrolled patients with a diabetes diagnosis.

              Outreach Immunisation Services

              The Hauraki PHO (HPHO) Outreach Immunisation Service (OIS) covers the Waikato DHB rohe (region) and addresses inequities in health outcomes by reaching all tamariki, who for many reasons, are unable to be immunised at their GP in a timely fashion. The OIS team provides advice and encourages parents to enrol their tamariki with a GP to ensure continuity of care. All National Hauora Coalition practices are to refer to this service if unable to contact their tamariki for immunisations.


                       For NHC enrolled patients diagnosed with type I or type II diabetes and high risk foot disease as defined in the Diabetic Foot                           Screening and Risk Stratification Tool.

              Primary Mental Health Integrated Care Services

                       Funding is only available for eligible patients referred by the Waikato Integrated Mental Health Services back into General Practice               care. This is a 12-month contract between General Practice and the patient for either Physical Care or Transition of Care packages.

              Primary Mental Health Services

              NHC Primary Mental Health Services provides general practices and other stakeholders access to a range of funded services to support patients with mild to moderate mental health concerns. The service includes extended GP consults, counselling and psychology services. The service is free, confidential and delivered by qualified health professionals.

              Sore Throat Management Assessment/Result

              Sore throat management services aims to prevent the development of acute rheumatic fever by providing free and open access to timely sore throat management for patients who are aged between 4-19 years old and Māori, Pacific or living in quintile 5 areas. Household contacts of the above and aged between 3-35 and those who have received a positive GAS result are also eligible.

              Suspected Skin Cancer Excision Service

              For any NHC enrolled patient. If being referred to a fellow GP for lesion removal, any GP listed as accepting referrals can deliver the service.

              Under 14 After Hours Service

              This service is intended to improve access to primary health services for children under 14 years old. Any child under 14 years of age can access this service after hours. After hours primary health care is defined as meeting the needs of patients “who cannot be safely deferred until the general practice they are enrolled with is open for business.” After-hours is defined as those hours between 6pm and 8am on weekdays and 24 hours on weekends and public holidays.

              Under 25x Sexual Health

              For patients under 25 years normally residing in the Waikato area. Practices in the Hamilton urban area are not eligible due to the contract being held by Family Planning.

              Other NHC services available in the Waikato region

              Mōhio Information Platform

              Mōhio is NHC’s innovative technology for general practices and PHOs. Developed in-house, Mōhio’s suite of tools prove real time feedback on performance against National Health Targets.

              Read more about Mōhio.

              RNZCGP Quality Standards programme (Foundation and Cornerstone)

              Minimum mandatory requirements for operation of a general practice within New Zealand were set for implementation from 30th June 2018. This requires practices to meet the quality standards defined in the RNZCGP Foundation Standards Programme. The Foundation Programme is a standalone programme that meets the requirements under PSAAP and is required to complete the Cornerstone Bronze, Silver and Gold tiers. Cornerstone is fully flexible, allowing practices freedom to design their own accreditation.

              Tiakina te Tangata

              Tiakina te Tangata is NHC’s Waikato based long term conditions team. The team provides whānau-centred care and takes a holistic approach to hauora. Tiakina te Tangata works in partnership with whānau, primary care and the wider community network to achieve positive health outcomes.

              Contact a Practice Support Team

              Tāmaki Makaurau


              0800 100 NHC



              0800 100 NHC



              0800 100 NHC