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Tā mātou kōrero

The National Hauora Coalition story

Ka rongo te pō, ka rongo te pō
I tuia te heke tangata i Hawaiiki nui, Hawaiiki roa,
Hawaiiki pāmāmao
I hono ki te wairua, ki te whai ao, ki te Ao Mārama
Whakarongo ki te tangi a te manu nei, te tūī, tūī,
Tuia i runga
Tuia i raro
Tuia i roto
Tuia i waho
Tuia te muka tangata
Tihei mauri ora!

Ko wai mātou?

Who are we?

Ko National Hauora Coalition mātou.

We celebrate those who come before us who believed in building a future where whānau Māori thrive. Our history is grounded in the gathering of visionary hauora Māori leaders, who, seeing that they could achieve more by working together than alone, formed a national network representing whānau, hapū, iwi and mātāwaka groups. With roots in urban and rural communities across Aotearoa we evolved in 2011, becoming the National Māori PHO Coalition. As our mahi continued to grow, our focus expanded beyond primary care alone, giving us the ingoa we have today: National Hauora Coalition.

Our moemoeā, Mana whānau, Whānau ora – prosperous families living well, was born out of this legacy. Shaped by the wairua of Whānau Ora, it describes an Aotearoa where whānau are enabled to achieve rangatiratanga. The kaupapa of our tuakana, shapes our reason for being: supporting whānau to achieve hauora – mana taurite, mana motuhake, mana whānau. The principles of equity, self-determination and prosperous families drive us each day. 

From the beginning we have been advocates for change that is guided by our collective moemoeā, kaupapa and tikanga and grounded in te Tiriti o Waitangi. Along our haerenga we have continued to hold the Crown to account, becoming te Tiriti o Waitangi claimants, calling for an equitable health system that works for and uplifts the mana of whānau, hapū and iwi. 

Whānau voice is at the core of our being and steers our actions; from the insights we gather, to the way our programmes are designed, to how they are delivered. We remain steadfast to this course by privileging mātauranga Māori, innovating to create solutions that are responsive to whānau and their lived experiences and by being connectors; connecting Māori and mainstream health services, and taking a holistic approach to hauora and all that contributes to it. The positive health and social outcomes whānau are achieving shows that our approach makes a meaningful difference. 

Throughout our haerenga we have understood that the decisions and actions of today will impact the lives of generations tomorrow. Realising the future of our collective moemoeā means we will stay focused, continuing to adapt, innovate, collaborate and deliver outcomes that truly drive transformative change for all whānau. 

We are National Hauora Coalition. Our story is for Aotearoa.

Tā mātou moemoeā

Our vision

Mana whānau, whānau ora

Prosperous families, living well

Our vision outlines our destination, our end goal.

National Hauora Coalition strives to enable whānau to achieve self-determined success. We believe that whānau who are nurturing, healthy, engaged, knowledgeable and prosperous are positioned to succeed, to the benefit of all Aotearoa.

Equity of health and social outcomes is a means to achieving this vision. We pursue this by designing, coordinating, and delivering innovative, effective health and social programmes.

Our vision is guided by Mahere Rautaki, our strategy for generational impact.

Tā mātou kaupapa

Our purpose

Enhancing and enabling the strengths of whānau to achieve rangatiratanga – self-determined success.
We believe that whānau who are nurturing, healthy, engaged, knowledgeable and prosperous are positioned to succeed to the benefit of all Aotearoa

Ngā tīkanga

Our values

Whānau whakataurangi

Keep our word

What we say we are going to do, we do. We build trust and confidence by delivering on our promises to customers, staff and whānau.


Whānau whakaaro tika

Think like whānau

Whānau well-being is our priority. We succeed when whānau succeed. Therefore whānau defines who we are and what we’re about.


Whakanuia te whānau

Celebrate indigeneity

Indigeneity is woven into the fabric of this organisation, it is a part of who we are. We celebrate and create indigeneity, and we privilege indigenous ways of knowing and being.


Mahia kia ea, kia toa

A “can do” attitude

We are a ‘can do’, not a ‘make do’ organisation. We get things done. Consequently our willingness to attempt the impossible will mean we accomplish extraordinary things.


Whānau whai hua

Outcomes matter

Because the status quo isn’t acceptable, and we are intolerant of inequities. We are performance and results focussed, & will prove our contributions make a difference.


Whānau auaha

Everyone an innovator

We all have the courage to innovate. Our adventurous, creative & open-minded spirit will challenge the status quo to be at the ‘cutting edge’ of everything we do.