Mana Tū
Kia mimiti te taimaha o te mate huka
Reducing the impact of diabetes
Diabetes is a long term condition that significantly impacts the lives of many whānau Māori. From the number of whānau it impacts, to the level of complications experienced, diabetes is far more prevalent for Māori than non-Māori.
Diabetes is complex, and requires a long-term, well thought-out response. National Hauora Coalition takes a holistic approach to supporting whānau struggling to manage type 2 diabetes.
Mana Tū was designed alongside patients with diabetes, clinicians, health service planners and Whānau Ora providers to improve the outcomes for whānau living with pre-diabetes and poorly controlled diabetes. The programme is underpinned by Whānau Ora, kaupapa Māori and mātauranga Māori approaches. Whānau involved in the Mana Tū programme are supported by a dedicated kaimanaaki (health navigator).
“I think it was perfect timing, when the kaimanaaki came to my aunty who was staying with me during that time. I think it was the way in which they approached it. Instead of excluding my aunty, the kaimanaaki actually included her. My aunty found it really beneficial for herself – so, it has had that rippling effect for her as well. She appreciated those visits.”
Mana Tū fact file
Where is Mana Tū located?
Mana Tū is located in West, Central and South Auckland
How do whānau access the Mana Tū programme?
Whānau are referred into the Mana Tū referral by their GP or nurse
Do whānau have to be enrolled with a National Hauora Coalition general practice?
Yes, Mana Tū is only available through general practices in the National Hauora Coalition network.