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Take the Mana Taurite pledge

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Nau mai, haere mai ki

National Hauora


National Hauora Coalition is a Māori-led charity and primary health organisation. In collaboration with our partners, we deliver a wide range of innovative health and social programmes that improve outcomes for whānau and benefit Aotearoa. Our history covers over two decades, driven by the hopes, dreams and aspirations for whānau Māori to achieve self-determined success.

Tā mātou moemoeā

Our vision

Mana whānau, whānau ora
Prosperous families, living well

Tā mātou kaupapa

Our purpose

Enhancing and enabling the strengths of whānau to achieve rangatiratanga – self-determined success

He Kupu Taurangi mō te Mana Taurite

Mana Taurite pledge

The Mana Taurite Pledge is a commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and to equity for Māori – now and for future generations.

Join the waka – sign the pledge.

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Our latest articles

Celebrating in a time of pandemic

Celebrating in a time of pandemic

Even locked down and in masks, National Hauora Coalition was going to fill their annual awards ceremony last week with song. Note: Rawiri Jansen was an onstage presenter and so is unmasked In a “yellowish alert level,” keep your greetings to air kisses and elbow...

Recent press releases

Māori PHOs speak out in support of Te Aka Whai Ora

Māori PHOs speak out in support of Te Aka Whai Ora

Māori Primary Health Organisation’s (PHO’s) across Aotearoa are disappointed with the recently released Māori Health Advisory Committee Rapid Assessment, placing their support behind Te Aka Whai Ora as guiding the way forward for Māori health. Te Kāhui Hauora Māori...

Māori PHOs collaborating to deliver immunisation programme

Māori PHOs collaborating to deliver immunisation programme

He huarahi āraimate, hei oranga te tamaiti.     The Māori PHO Collective is working with Te Aka Whai Ora to create an immunisation workforce enabled and focused on increasing the immunisation rates for tamariki Māori. Leading the Collective, National Hauora...