National Hauora Coalition is proud to present the Annual Report for 2020. This document highlights key achievements, the impact our work has had on...
primary care
Celebrating in a time of pandemic
Even locked down and in masks, National Hauora Coalition was going to fill their annual awards ceremony last week with song. Note: Rawiri Jansen was...
Annual Report 2019
The NHC is proud to present the Annual Report for 2019. This document highlights key achievements and the impact our work had on whānau in the...
PHO’s ambition stretches past horizon of new Hamilton office
Welcoming 17 Waikato practices to their adopted PHO's new central Hamilton offices is not just a celebration but a harbinger of wider plans for the...
NHC welcomes 17 new Waikato practices to it’s network.
The National Hauora Coalition (NHC) faces a busy month as it prepares to welcome it’s 17 new Waikato practices on 1st October 2019, establish its Waikato office and launch its new local Tiakina te Tangata mobile Long Term Conditions service.