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Recipients of the Matariki award for Mana Tū
31 July, 2018

Mana Tū programme awarded Tūhono award at Matariki ceremony

The NHC’s Mana Tū programme was awarded the Tūhono Award by the Auckland District Health Board at the 2018 Matariki Awards.

The Tūhono award is given to the team which demonstrates the value of Tūhono (togetherness), by sharing learnings and achievements with colleagues, patients and whānau, to eliminate inequities for Māori populations and improve whānau experiences.

Mana Tū takes a mana whānau approach to caring for families coping with prediabetes or struggling to effectively manage type 2 diabetes. The Mana Tū teams consist of a ‘Network Hub’, providing operational and research leadership and support to GPs and ‘the Provider Network Team’ of Kaimanaaki-whānau (Case Managers) delivering Mana Tū. Mana Tū aims to address the system (Māori leadership, health equity, wider determinants), the service (network Hub, Kai Manaaki, integrated primary care, information management) and personal (taking charge, whānau ora, the journey) factors that impact on the whānau’s ability to mana tū.

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